“💰💰 have a piece of real estate and-I want the absolute most money possible for that piece of real estate…”
📣📣That's where the full price offer kicks in
✅✅ because the full price offer is going-to eliminate the realtor cost.
👀👀It's going to eliminate the Closing costs
💸💸it's going to stretch out the tax on payments over a stretch of time.
🤯🤯Yes, and then in addition to that it's going to get the most Money for the house
🎉🎉 because you'll sell the house as is and immediately
💰💰but you will also bypass any of The Upfront cost that comes to update that house.
👀👀So if you have a house that nobody's touched for 20 or 30 years because they just lived in it.
📣📣And now it's severely dated sometimes those repairs can go between anywhere between $20,000 to $30,000 just to make it marketable to get the max value out of that
🏠🏠🏠 want to learn real estate investment talk to us for a free chat!
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